Recently, i have realized something very important in my life. That's something probably everyone knows
To care the people around you.To make people a day, dont wait for people making you a day! To think what you can do for other people but not what others could do for you. If someday you're independent and you can help or teach someone, you should be proud and happy for yourself because you have the ability to do something for the people in this world. You can be confident but never being cocky. Always remember being humble and open-minded to anyone and everthing. Nothing is perfect and nobody is the best.  Everyone is different with their different notion because they all come from different families, countries with different cultural background and everyone has something that you can learn since they have all their own specalities and personalties no matter she/he is a Taiwanese waitress, Australian cook or a chinese and american doctor. Even if a 7-year-old child, he or she has the most becautiful heart in the world that's something you may forget while you're growing up. A 80-year-old italian man has rich life experience that's something more than you can imagine. 
A very good friend told me that if everyone was the same and had the same thoughts, how boring the world was gonna be?

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As time goes by, I have been in Australia nearly 2 months. My life in Brisbane is getting very regular, and I enjoy it , waking up early, walking 10 minutes to bus stop, waiting 10 minutes for the bus coming to work just like any other residents do here.  People around the world have their own way to get around their livinghood. In Taiwan, we drive scooters, in America, they drive cars. In Brisbane, if you don't have a car, you'd better to know how to catch the buZ otherwise you just get stuck in one place. There's nowhere you can go. The bus system in Brisbane works incredibly efficient and convenient just like Metro. I guess catching the bus was the first thing that i learned in Brisbane. Even now I have quite acquired how to catch the bus in Brisbane, yet I still enjoy taking the bus no matter of going to work or exploring somewhere I have not gone in Brisbane.
Moreover, the bus driver in Brisbane is incredibly friendly!! I guess they're the BEST bus drivers in the world. They're just quite helpful, so willing to help you out whenever and wherever you may get lost or you don't know how to go.  Everytime when I ask them direction, they always seem not in a hurry to drive the bus away, instead they slow down telling you anything you want to know with their sunshiny smiles .  I guess Brisbane's bus drivers are the first friends whom you would ever meet with when you first arrive in Brisbane.

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This is my favor favor place in Brisbane -- South Bank.
I love to come here, have a cup of coffe, read a book, watch people. Just enjoy everything here on weekends!
It is a riverside of Brisbane river. First time seeing the riverside of South Bank, I just couldn't help myself falling in love with it!!

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I fall in love with this friendly, easygoing and laid-back city -- Brisbane
Australian people are really friendly to the strangers. Especially the people in Brisbane and Gold Coast, they are just so easygoing and friendly to help the people from outside worlds.  First time going through the customs in Gold Coast, the customs officers whom I saw in the airport were all work strictly meanwhile they also eased my tension while I was going through the customs. They don't have that arrogant attitudes toward people, instead they're very friendly,easy-going and polite to weclome us, the outsiders.

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There are some culture shock that you would never realize until you are back "home."
and there are just some culture difference not jut between countries, but also between genders
I remember one time while i was staying in "Cambodian boy's" place, i told him that "i was thirsty." Soon,I found he didnt do any reaction. So, i just kept say "i was thirsty, i was thirsty, i was thirsty."  Then, he replied me teasingly "Go to drink water, I'm not stopping you from drinking water.

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America, this was not my first time traveling there, but my third time.
Even though this was my third time in this country, i still embraced "culture shock" here.
I guess most of my friends have known what my first big culture shock at my 3rd time traveling america was

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i was really really sad while boarding the airplane
just kept staring at the boarding gate.........
i didn't even want to turn off the cellphone.........

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My very lazy day in Central Park. Everything just seemed so cozy and lazy in Central Park.
People "do" jogging in the central park just like what we often see in the moive!!!
Actually, this is not my first time here. but my 2 time maybe

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My very laid-back life in Flushing, NY
I do enjoy every morning when i wake up, and stroll down the street to get a cup of coffee with a bagel

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in the class today, i told my students that i had something to tell you.
and then they started to pop up a lot of questions
they asked me"teacher, did you break up with your boyfriend?" "teacher, are you going to get married?"

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July 16 2009, it was a very special day. It was not just  the opening day of world game in Taiwan, but also it was my 26 year-old birthday.
I can't believe I'm officially turning into 26 now.....
anyways, i'm very happy. Even though there wasn't a party, i was still happy that my co-workers got me cake, gifts, cards.

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my faovr boy is gone today....

it was his last class 

and he just has improved a lots on his concentration today

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thanks all my girl cheer me up when i was in my weakest moment......
Everyone gave me different advices to help me out, also made me laugh....
i'll keep all of your advices in my mind...even though i still don't know what to do....

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