America, this was not my first time traveling there, but my third time.
Even though this was my third time in this country, i still embraced "culture shock" here.
I guess most of my friends have known what my first big culture shock at my 3rd time traveling america was
"Planning ahead culture shock"-- the 3rd time in America, I found American people like to make plan. They may make a time schedule to get something done "ON TIME". Such as, studying from 8:00 -12:00. lunch 13:00-14:00. shopping 15:00-18:00 etc.....that's just like a "class schedule." 
I guess that's also why Blackberry is so widely used in America. This time while i was traveling NYC by mentro, I noticed that there are many people were using Blackberry on the subway.
On the contrary,Blackberry is not that popular in Taiwan since we dont have planning ahead culture here.  I guess most of Taiwanese people don't make a "specific" time planning to do something since one place to another is just so close by, also people often say "planning will never follow up changes."  So, everytime when we talk about hanging out together, we don't make a "precise" time to meet each other. We probably just say "Let's go there on sunday afternoon, maybe 4 or 5 and a lot of time we change the plan". So,bascially we're aware of an appointment going on sunday afternoon, just not sure the "specific time". Then, we will make a phone call to make sure what time we're going to meet each other when sunday afternoon comes. That's how we make plan in Taiwan.   Therefore, when my "everything-on-track friend" met with me, "the carefree traveller", he was just simply freaked out! cause he had no clues how to follow me, and i was stressed and annoyed when he's trying to get things done ON TIME!

Another interesting phenomenon that i noticed in NY is that American people don't possess the sweet character like Taiwanese people. I remember the Hess NST told me what they like Taiwan most is the friendly and passionate people here. We Taiwanese often do something sweet for our friends or foreigners. Sharing and helping are the very common culture in our society. We don't like to keep "cold distance" with people even if it's our first time meeting each other.  My Taiwanese friend Vicky has been living in America at least a decade, and i hadn't seen her for 5 years or so. This time when I met her, i somehow felt she's like an American girl. She is not like Taiwanese girls in Taiwan. It seems there's a distance between she and I. When I tried to use the way we Taiwanese girls talk to each other in Taiwan, i felt there's a boundary. The more I tried to across the boundary, the more distance i felt.(ah,it is really not an easy job to be an across-culture communicator) But I believe there is still nature Taiwanese character existing in her somewhere beause I remember the first time I taking her to take a train going to NYC, she was just happy and excited like a little girl that's what i like her most.
I guess the "cold distance culture" also reflect on the service industry in America, and you would strongly feel it especially landing at the NY airport.
The people working in the America airport always put on poker faces at work that makes you feel you seem to owe them 800 billion dollars!! 
They are just not  like Asian people smiling all the time and courtesy asking if you need any help. So far, i think Japanese do the best airport service job, if you have a chance stopping over Japan airport, you would feel the HUGE difference between these 2 service cultures. 

I love traveling because I always feel excited everytime when i find the culture difference or when i embrace culture shock. I guess all my dear friends know why i came to America this time. Thanks my dear friends Crystal, Erica, Tara, Eunice encouraging me to go there again. If I didn't try, I would never have the experiece like this time, and I would never find  the answer. Never try, Never know! I have a very nice memory with different experience at my 3rd time in America, and i was happy while self-traveling NYC. Wish my dear friends would come with me next time. Wish my story will keep going

PS Be strong in Australia


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