As time goes by, I have been in Australia nearly 2 months. My life in Brisbane is getting very regular, and I enjoy it , waking up early, walking 10 minutes to bus stop, waiting 10 minutes for the bus coming to work just like any other residents do here.  People around the world have their own way to get around their livinghood. In Taiwan, we drive scooters, in America, they drive cars. In Brisbane, if you don't have a car, you'd better to know how to catch the buZ otherwise you just get stuck in one place. There's nowhere you can go. The bus system in Brisbane works incredibly efficient and convenient just like Metro. I guess catching the bus was the first thing that i learned in Brisbane. Even now I have quite acquired how to catch the bus in Brisbane, yet I still enjoy taking the bus no matter of going to work or exploring somewhere I have not gone in Brisbane.
Moreover, the bus driver in Brisbane is incredibly friendly!! I guess they're the BEST bus drivers in the world. They're just quite helpful, so willing to help you out whenever and wherever you may get lost or you don't know how to go.  Everytime when I ask them direction, they always seem not in a hurry to drive the bus away, instead they slow down telling you anything you want to know with their sunshiny smiles .  I guess Brisbane's bus drivers are the first friends whom you would ever meet with when you first arrive in Brisbane.


This purple tree is called "Jacaradna tree" which you may first notice if you're in Brisbane during spring. It was something I first noticed when I arrived in Australia,just simpl because I had never seen any purple trees anywhere else but HERE -- in Down Under!!



    創作者 inora 的頭像

    C'est la vie!

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