my little cousin, Naomi just left taiwan, going to work and travel USA this summer
somehow, i'm excited,too! though, i'm not the one going for the adventure
i'm happy for her going to see somewhere else outside of taiwan 

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the other day, i heard this song called "La même histoire" from a blog 
then, i talked to a french of mine on msn about this song and had him to download it for me 
and now that's the song you hear from my blog

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this is very very funny 

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Last weekend, Suji, who is a korean friend of mine, took a trip with her friend in Taiwan
As the local, by all means i took the trip with them
We took a train up to Mountain Ali to see the sunrise 

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每次罵完小孩,心情就不好,我也知道那不是個right way to educate them -__- 
也學到從Linguistics and Ahthropology 的觀點來看,小朋友在童年時期會影響到他們長大後對人、事、物的心態

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As foreign language learners , we all know that language is for communication, 
and the use of learning foreign languages is for doing "cross-cultural communication".
People living in different countries,speaking different langauges and naturally, they cultivated their own culture.

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i was supposed to take TOEIC today
it was taken place in 小港,so i took the subway to there with my classmates
it's my first time taking subway in Kaohsiung since it just started to operate this March

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from now on, it's just about one more month to go

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i remember last year about this time, i was extremely excited about going to work and travel USA 
As another of blink went by, today, i'm having my last month in school, still sometimes, thinking of my 2007 journey in USA whenever i'm looking at the photos taken in america.... every photo has its own story....with so many memories
i guess that's what we say in chinese 凡"流浪"過,必留下"回憶"…

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一直問"老師,考卷有跟上次的一樣嗎?" "老師,這一題幾分啊"

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